Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Ranch Camp Revisited- Remembering Lamb

From 1992-94, I took hundreds of black and white slides of my community while I was a graduate student at the University of Hawaii living in a small home I had purchased and renovated in Ranch Camp, old plantation neighborhood located at the base of the Waianae Mountain range in Waialua, Hawaii. 
Lamb in my Front Yard
No Surf in Sight
The sugar mill has since been shut down and is now an industrial park for the North Shore with surf board shops and mom and pop enterprises.   Many of you may remember Lambchop- my "famous" surfing rabbit....  here - as a double exposure, he is on top of his cage out in my front yard with a plumeria tree and the moutains in the distance.

Rediscovering these images is like a wonderful treasure hunt - and one I will be sharing on this blog as I have them scanned into jpgs.  

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