Trying to hold onto that Om this holiday season is probably futile and against the whole philosophy of Om or this time of year- if any of that makes sense. The truth of the matter is I needed to do a small print for an upcoming show in Guatemala and had this idea for a small drypoint. Then I had some fun printing the plate various ways with chine colle, handmade paper, and monotypes. I like the way this one came out and plan on donating it to Young Audience of NJ's spring fundraiser which I will write more about when I know the details. In any event, always one to plug fabulous programs and people that support the arts here is their link http://www.yanj.org/
I received an email from a good friend today saying that she didn't know what my new address was to send me a holiday card. The truth is that I have not been good about giving anyone my new address or contact info. I come home and maybe there is one message on the machine, and most of my emails are from Dubai telling me that I have won the lottery (!) but for some strange reason that is fine with me. Just trying to get organized and settle in. Feeling a tad guilty about not being my normal highly motivated self- but not enough to do anything about it.
Johnny at yoga, as been talking alot about committment and I do know that I need to be and am committed in various places in my life beginning with my relationship to God/Spirit, followed by my health, family and art. Just for now art is not at the forefront, probably because connecting to my new home and helping my family settle in has been vying for my time and attention. And community. The Kennett Consolidated School district has some wonderful Adopt A Family programs at this time and I feel so blessed personally that this the best way for me to share my resources. HOWEVER, I do feel my creative soul chomping at the bit, and getting stronger everyday. My studio is set up, I have begun some new work and will update this site- though I can't promise when.
So until then.... HAPPY HOLIDAYS-PEACE to all Living Beings Everywhere. and LOVE