Dini & Maggie

Watercolor pencils, 14" x 11"
Almost a full week in my Blog Triage class. My brain is spinning.
Spent hours today on layout, colors, and different versions of my header with title.
I probably shouldn't admit that it has been hours (!), but I figure it's all part of the learning curve.
Looking forward to seeing where this takes me. Hopefully there will be more of a flow and some sort of cohesive vision between my work, my website and my blog that emerges from all this.
A confession: I never read other people's blogs on any sort of consistent basis before this class. Now that I am committed to this new art form I have found some wonderful inspiring ones in my blog class and beyond. I need to get beyond some of the technical challenges of working on Blogger, a better camera, and a more disciplined schedule to make art, blog and connect with other artists.
Hi Nanci, this is Toni from your class. I can tell you've been "lovin" your blog as our teachers would say. By the way, I really like your images--your camera picks up great detail.
Third effort to leave a comment....Hi, Nanci, Susan here from your blog group. Isn't this class great?
Hi Toni & Susan,
I think you both said that you had tried earlier to comment on my blog without success. Wonder what was up... hope I fixed it. If for some reason you tried and failed please email me at nancihersh@gmail.com
There is definately a learning curve here with all of us but it is great to read both your posts and see the transformation.
When you learn how to do it all, please let me know. I'm desperately searching!!
Your revamped blog looks great!!
Hi Kathryn,
Thanks for visiting. It is starting to make sense to me... let me know if there is something specific I can help you with. Also, I left a comment and link on your blog. Let me know if you got it.
Good luck!
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