Thursday, November 21, 2013

Considering the Fork- in My Drawers

Considering the Fork
Monotype with acrylic, graphite and pastel on paper
15" x 22"
Considering the Fork is the "week before Thanksgiving" selection from my drawers.

The fish is considering the fork, the fork may also be considering the fish. 

What was really happening here was that I was thinking about my work; the koi paintings and my wire, pulp, encaustic sculptures of utensils and thinking, "What the Fork?" 

What, if any, is the connection between these two bodies of my work- the Koi Pond Series and Inherently Found Series?   

It's there. Give it some food for thought. pun intended.

Click here to see the post about What's in My Drawers and be in the loop for the rest of the art and stories in this blog series.


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