Saturday, November 23, 2013

Big Blue Bunny- in My Drawers

Day #6, November 23, 2013 of What's in My Drawers.
Big Blue Bunny
acrylic on paper
42" x 30"
This was one of the first paintings of Lambchop my beloved surfing rabbit.  (yes, he did surf.)

A gift from a dear friend after my first rabbit, Rabbi hopped out and away through an open door. Lamb was my muse for a quite a while, and a companion for 11 years in Hawaii and NJ. 

The paintings on canvas have all been sold, except for one- which hangs in my home. This acrylic on paper shows Lamb, ever inquisitive and always on the hunt for fresh wires and wood baseboards to chew.

Click here to see the post about What's in My Drawers and be in the loop for the rest of the art and stories in this blog series.

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