Monday, August 25, 2014

Request for Attention

Milton Avery, 1960
Dunes and Sea II
oil on canvas, 131.8 x 182.9 cm
Collection of Whitney Museum of American Art
"His pictures were always polite, but they were polite in a way that a man with a gun might be polite. There was plenty to back up his request for attention."

In the book, Steve Martin's narrator, Daniel Franks is describing the work of American painter Milton Avery. While Avery's quiet muted palette and seemingly deceptive simplicity have appealed to me,  Martin's insight into Avery's allure is what packs the punch for me. like wow. 

I am drawn, moved, and inspired by great lines.

As with German artist Egon Schiele's electrifying lines, you can feel the flesh, the posture of the model, as well as the angst of the artist. 

Egon Schiele
Nude women dressing
Drawn to line that evoke a feeling, contour the flesh, or lead your eye- or your heart on a journey

Sidewalk sign at Wild Birds Unltd.
in Hockessin, DE
following the news of
actor Lauren Bacall's passing.

or a memory...

Life Drawing, 1991


Sharmon Davidson said...

That's a lovely drawing, Nancy. I like what you say about line; it communicates so much. Love the quote from the Steve Martin book, too.

Nanci Hersh said...

Thank you Sharmon, it's all about finding the connections- to our hearts, and each other.