Sunday, July 22, 2012

It's in the Water... Artist as Collector

New York based artist Laurette Gnaegy Kovary is this week's guest blogger for our Artist as Collector series.
Acrylic and Resin on Coral Rock
 20" x 12" x 2"  

This piece is by my father, Chuck Gnaegy, whose love of the ocean has been transferred to me and then from me to my own children. 

I've had this piece hanging in my living room for almost 15 years since I persuaded my dad to gift it to me for a birthday present. It hangs near the front entrance of my home on a wall painted aqua blue. It is always a conversation starter.  People seem drawn to the organic shape of the coral and then leads to an investigation of the surface. The conversation almost always ends with a story about swimming and visit to the sea. I love that this work resonates with people in that way. It's another discovery of the thread that connects us to each other.  

But, what I love the most is that it reflects a huge part of what inspired me as an artist to draw and paint in the first place. I've always been drawn to the all encompassing expressive wildness, power, tranquility and unordered beauty of nature. 

I've thought of moving this work to another area of my house, but I think that I should leave it where it is- it serves so well as a welcoming symbol to my home.       

Laurette Gnaegy Kovary is a painter, designer, and installation artist whose vivid imagination and professional skills transform walls, canvas and objects. She also is the founder of Art House Studio and a Mermaid in her own right!
That's Laurette on left with daughter Noelle and friends.
Sea horses and costumes designed and created
by Laurette.
Nope, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! or the starfish doesn't fall far from...
well, you get the idea.

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