Sunday, October 31, 2010

(what) Rhymes with Orange

(what) Rhymes with Orange
no idea. but I do believe...She is in a class of her own.

love child of yellow and red
but there is nothing secondary about her.

The big sister of peach
Who lives life out loud
shouts "look at me"
without raising her voice.

Succulent orange
Birds of Paradise fly on her back

Radiates warmth with her fiery breath... shimmers on scales, smooth petals
pumpkin flesh
Cadmium yellow deep.



Alyson B. Stanfield said...

Love this, Nanci. Did you ever read Hailstones & Halibut Bones? It was one of my favorite books as a child. This takes me back there.

Ellen McVicker and Nanci Hersh said...

Did you know, dear cousin, that orange is indeed my favorite color! It is its burst of brilliance that enthralls me and draws me to anything orange!

I love this piece!


Nanci Hersh said...

@Alyson, I may know it if I see it. Will look for it next time I am checking out all the wonderful children's picture books! That is a great Artist Date in itself.
@Ellen- I learned something new about you (I love orange as well!) Orange is creativity and passion- of course.