Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Wednesday "Fix" of Forgiveness & Choice

After a few weeks away from Alisha Hagelin and her After School Mural Club at Germantown High, I was back to work with those fabulous teens. But first, my stop at The Philadelphia Museum of Art to see two installations as part of citywide Philografika:
(Taken from PMA website since typing one handed is a bit of an effort:)

The Museum will display installations by two artists, the Japanese artist Tabaimo (b. 1975) and the Colombian artist Óscar Muñoz (b. 1951), that explore the translation of printmaking into other mediums and expand the conceptual boundaries of printmaking.

Worth the trip and I will revisit the shows next Wed. when I see Picasso and the Avant- Garde in Paris.

At the High School, the Mural Club made great progress on the murals over the past few weeks
and this was our day to finish up to stay on target with our final Unveiling and Reception this coming Tuesday at the High School at 6 pm.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Different day- different approach

March 12 & 14th Tea Bag drawings:
how to be fluid and approach each moment with a freshness.

I woke up to an amazing dream within a dream. It was exhilarating and scary- I was in some sort of competition and had to jump down from amazing heights, often over stairs. It seemed impossible to jump out so far without landing so hard, but hey, I was dreaming so I knew I would be fine, and I was. Faith.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Colors & Tea Bag Drawings

Just as almost spring thaw was upon us, I found a patch ice (thanks to my beloved Dini the Doggie) and now I am sporting a purple cast on my wrist for 4-6 weeks. Fortunately it is my left so my daily ritual of drawing tea bags continues.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


comes today from a student i am work with at germantown high- desiree logan
check out her stuff... cool, honest, fresh

here's desiree with some of her small sculptures

today is onew week that i slipped on ice and broke my wrist... fortunately it was my left so i am still doing tea bag drawings but opening jars and other things can be tricky!