School officially ended for my boys over a week ago, but last week they were busy with friends visiting for the week, and all four going to Lacrosse camp. The week was filled with camp, Disc Gold (totally cool and a whole sub culture I had NO IDEA about- we went to a fun course at Anson Nixon Park in Kennett Square), fishing, swimming, and lots of soccer. Yesterday was their first weekend that was NOT planned. At least for them.
I got up early, meditated and did my yoga by the pond. Then sat down at my trusty Powerbook and went to work on my calendar planning my day, blocking out studio time, appointments and other commitments. Wouldn't you know it- as we are making crepes for breakfast (ooh la la, Nate has a kids cooking book and they both were into it) One of our smoke detectors go off which of course means they ALL go off- and we can't get them to stop! Needless to say this went on for an hour, drove us all crazy and finally an officer from New Garden came out- we need new ones, thank you very much (rather find out this way, don't ya think!?) Now of course, it is WAY past my 9 am goal of getting to work in my studio... Which by the way.... I inherited a solid door and horses from neighbors moving out this weekend and decided to move my painting upstairs. The light is better and open. I will still work downstairs for printmaking and papermaking but I like being UP. I can also move the easel and big canvas I am working on OUTside to the deck to work from life and for better light. and yes we even had some sun yesterday!
Anyway, I would love to hear from other artists (of all kinds!) that also have young children and how they make their time to work....what do you do?